觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
201312 (19:3期)期所有篇 |
- 城市因朦朧而美麗或因揭紗而驚艷?距離對外國人之城市意象的影響與其間形成機制之干擾 Beauty of Illusion or Reality? The Influence of Distance on Foreigners' City Image and the Moderation of Formation Agents on It
- 華語導遊接待陸客低價團之研究 A Study of Mandarin Tour Guide Service Chinese Low-price Tour Groups
- 建構大陸來台旅遊影響感知與發展態度關係模式 Constructing the Model of Relationships between Perceptions of Tourism Impacts and Attitudes toward Chinese Inbound Tourism to Taiwan
- 行動商務顧客服務因素與市場區隔探討--以台灣高鐵手機快速訂票通關服務為例 The Service Factors and Market Segmentation for Mobile Commerce Customers: An Empirical Study on T Express of Taiwan High Speed Rail