觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
201308 (19:2期)期所有篇 |
- 地方觀光發展協力治理機制之探究:以南投縣觀光發展為例 Collaborative Governance in Local Tourism Development: A Case in Nantou County
- 相同品牌為何購買意願不同?—旅遊觀點 Why the Same Brand Gets Different Purchase Intention?—Travel Perspective
- 海域遊憩產業顧客之休閒體驗與休閒滿意關係之研究—顧客參與中介角色之探討 A Study on the Relationship between Leisure Experience and Leisure Satisfaction with the Taiwanese Coastal Recreational Industry’s Customer—The Mediating Role of Customer Participation
- 職涯功能定位與專業承諾之關係:以工作滿意度為中介變項 The Relationship between Career Function and Professional Commitment: The Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction