觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
200804 (14:1期)期所有篇 |
- 節慶活動經濟效益評估——以2007日月潭九族櫻花祭為例 The Economic Benefits of Tourism Events: The Case of Sun Moon Lake FACV Sakura Festival 2007
- 旅館業內部行銷對於服務導向組織公民行為之影響:以心理依附之觀點 Internal Marketing and Its Effects on Service-Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors about Tourist Hotels: From the View of Psychological Attachment
- 電子商務旅遊產品交易滿意度及行為意圖模式之研究 Study on Transaction Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention Model for Travel Products on E – Commerce
- 旅遊網站品牌知名度與價格標示對線上套裝旅遊購買意願之影響 The Effects of Brand Awareness and Price Labeling of Travel Websites on Purchase Intention of the Package Tour Provided on the Internet