中醫藥雜誌 Journal of Chinese Medicine |
202112 (32:2期)期所有篇 |
- 舌下絡脈在現代醫學的臨床意義:文獻回顧 Clinical significance of sublingual vein in modern medicine: literature review
- 臺灣中藥典第四版中藥材基原及拉丁生藥名之修正 Revision of the Origins and Latin Names of Crude Drugs in Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia (IV)
- 樟芝發酵菌絲體用於,預防乾眼症之功能性評估 Effect of Fermented Antrodia cinnamomea Mycelium Extract in the Prevention of Dry Eye Syndrome
- 影響中藥治療乾癬療效因子分析:橫斷性研究 Factors Influencing Response to Psoriasis Treatment with Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Cross-Sectional Study
- 杜聰明對臺灣中醫高等教育的影響 A Research on Tsung-Ming Tu’s Influences on Higher Education of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan
- 三九貼合併雷射針灸,治療過敏性鼻炎之療效初探 Preliminary Study on the Effectiveness of San Jiu Tian Moxibustion Combined with Laser Acupuncture in Treating Allergic Rhinitis
- 中醫藥改善肝腫瘤破裂合併白蛋白過低,造成加護病房嚴重腹瀉之中醫病例報告 Traditional Chinese Medicine improved Severe Diarrhea due to Hypoalbuminemia in Intensive Care Unit after Liver Tumor Rupture—A case report