醫療品質 Healthcare Quality |
202112 (10:1期)期所有篇 |
- 建立淺白的醫病共享決策輔助工具──以拍痰治療的選擇為例 Development of Easy-to-Understand Patient Decision Aid: Chest Physical Therapy (CPT)
- 以品管圈手法降低腸造口周圍刺激性皮膚炎之發生率 Reduce the Incidence of Irritant Dermatitis around the Intestinal Stoma by Means of Quality Control Circle
- 運用HFMEA降低麻醉過程氣管內管醫療照護異常率 Applying HFMEA in Reducing the Adverse Event Rates of Endotracheal Tube Placement in Anesthesia
- 「內外兼修、相輔相成」:運用臨床決策系統提升心臟內外科,對複雜性冠狀動脈疾病病人的照護品質 Implementation of clinical decision support system to promote heart team discussion for the healthcare quality of complex coronary artery disease
- 以急診工作負荷指數即時監測系統進行急診壅塞管理決策 The Decision Management of Emergency Department Overcrowding by the Real-time Monitoring System based on the Emergency Department Work Index (EDWIN)