以品管圈手法改善腦中風病人病房復健運動執行率 Improving the Execution rate of Rehabilitation Exercise in Patients with Stroke by quality control circle
降低某區域醫院內科病房病人壓力性損傷發生率 Reduce the incidence of pressure injuries in the medical ward of a regional hospital
改善血液透析病人高血鉀危急值之通報流程及臨床處置 Improvement of Critical Hyperkalemia Reporting and Management in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients
跌倒危險因子評估量表對於預測住院病人跌倒相關性研究 The Association of Fall Risk Factor Assessment Scale for Predicting Fall of Patients
運用團隊資源管理(TRM)模式,整合以病人為中心的醫療資源──以南部某醫學中心為例 Integrating Patient-centered Healthcare Resources Based on Team Resource Management Model–an Experience from a Medical Center in Southern Taiwan