朝陽設計學報 Chaoyang Journal of Design |
200012 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 醫療排隊決策模式之研究--以急診作業為例 A Study of the Decision Model of Medical Queueing-A Case Study of Emergency Service
- 應用專家系統選擇都市路外停車場設置型式之研究 Applications of Expert Systwm to the Selection of Urban off-street Parking Types
- 臺灣傳統庭園的情緒體驗與景觀偏好之研究 Research of Emotional Experience and Scenic Preference In Banchiaur Lin Faamily Garden
- 都市更新地區選定評估模式之研究--以臺北市為例 A Study on the Model for Urban Renewal Site Selection:Taipei City as A Case Study
- 產品符號學與解構理論 Product Semootic and Deconstruction
- 住宅用地市值推估模式之研究--以臺中市第五期市地重劃區為例 Studies of Land Value Model in Residential Area-A Case Study of the 5th Phase Urban Land Replotting Ares in Taichung
- 雙耳互函數與聲源方向感度之探討--以兩反射音模擬聲場為例 Sound Lacalization in Respect of Magnitude of Interaural Cross-Correlation Function:two Reflections in Simulated Sound Dield as Example