台灣原住民族研究 Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies |
202106 (14:1期)期所有篇 |
- 自然保育、文化傳統與國家治理:原住民狩獵爭議的文本分析 In the Changing Process of Natural Conservation, Tradition and State Governance: A Textual Analysis on the Conflicts of Indigenous Peoples' Hunting Rights
- 移居部落的獵場空間與狩獵自主治理:太魯閣族木瓜溪流域部落近年之進展 Space and Indigenous Hunting Self-Governance of Migrated Tribes: The Latest Trend of the Truku Case around Mugua River Basin
- 一個原住民部落的野生動物資源體制探索:以達魯瑪克為例 Exploring the Governing Institutions of Wildlife Resources in an Indigenous Community: A Case Study of Taromak, Taitung, Taiwan
- 當原住民族傳統慣習遇上國家治理:吉拉米代部落狩獵自主管理制度之橋接策略 Bridging the Indigenous Traditions and State Governance: The Experience from the Establishment of the Hunting Self-Governance System in Cilamitay