企業管理學報 Journal of Business Administration |
201712 (115期)期所有篇 |
- 以角色理論觀點探討影響高科技產業員工離職傾向之因素 The Factors that Influence the Turnover Intentions in High-tech Industries: A Role Perspective
- 使用者認知人力銀行提供需求內容與忠誠度關聯:以滿意度為干擾效果 The Relationship Between Content of Needs of Job Search Websites Provided and Loyalty by Users’ Cognitive Processes-Moderating Effect of Satisfaction
- 探討智慧型行動裝置應用程式之採用意願:分解計劃行為理論觀點 Exploring the Adoption Intentions through Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior-A Study on Smart Device Application
- 透過品牌導向以加強品牌對關係價值的研究:以台灣航空業為例 The Impact of Brand Value to Strengthen Relationship Value-Evidence of Airline Industry in Taiwan