台灣社會研究季刊 Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies
202004 (15期)期所有篇
少數族群、國家治理與日常生活:以日本帝國殖民下的東臺灣阿美族人為例(1895-1945) Ethnic Minorities, National Governance and Everyday Life: The Case of Amis People in the East of Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Empire (1895-1945)
驅不走達悟惡靈的民主治理夢魘:蘭嶼核廢遷場僵局的政策史分析 The Tao's Relentless Evil Spirits as the Nightmare of Democratic Governance: Examining the History of the Low-level Radwaste Disposal Policy in Taiwan
分析台灣主要報紙的兩岸新聞與言論:聚焦在《聯合報》(1951-2019) Analyzing Cross-strait News and Commentaries of Taiwan's Main Newspapers: Focusing on the United Daily News (1951-2019)
「左翼失語」,還是被消聲的抗爭主體? ''Speechless of the Left'', or Silenced Subject of Resistance?
帝國的非物質遺留──論台灣與香港被占領經驗的異同 The Legacies of the Empires: Comparing the Experiences of Taiwan and Hong Kong under Colonial Rules
走在政治歷史裡的婚姻路──以台藏婚配為例 Marriage in the Political Context: A Case Study of Tibetan Spouses in Taiwan