東亞論壇 East-Asia Review |
201406 (484期)期所有篇 |
- 利害關係者觀點看人力資源管理分析框架重構 Reconstruction of for Analytical Framework Human Resource Management from the Perspective of Stakeholder
- 影響近代中日國勢的三場戰爭之研究 Impact of the Three Wars on National Power of Modern China and Japan
- 中國大陸新安全觀之時代背景與意義 Background and Meaning of the New Security Concept in Mainland China
- 新加坡政府對中國的外交關係--以李顯龍時期為例 Diplomatic relation of Singapore government with China, in Lee Hsien Loong period
- 技職院校通識課程的教學實踐--以「生命教育」課程為例 Teaching Practice for the General Education Curriculum at Technical and Vocational Colleges using the example of the 'Life Education' Course
- 無線網通業外包績效評估之研究 A Study on Outsourcing Evaluation System for Wireless Networking Industry
- 外商銀行社會責任中倫理責任與慈善責任關聯性之研究 Study on the Correlation of Ethical Responsibility and Philanthropic responsibility in corporate Social Responsibility of Foreign Banks