東亞論壇 East-Asia Review |
201403 (483期)期所有篇 |
- 運用ANP-SIPA解決方案架構以求創造策略方向 Creating Strategic Directions using the ANP-SIPA Solution Framework
- 企業内訓練の台日比較研究 Comparative Research on Enterprise Training between Taiwan and Japan
- 我國政戰制度的專業化與時代意義 The Professionalism and Significance of Political Warfare System in Taiwan
- 以漁民之視角再析臺日漁業協議意涵 An analysis of Implications of the Fisheries Agreement between Taiwan and Japan: From the fishermen's perspective
- 黃衫軍事件對泰國基金影響 The Effect of Thailand political crisis on the Performance and Risk Value of Funds Investment
- 意見領袖形成之關鍵性探討 Research on Key Factors of Becoming Forming Opinion Leaders