東亞論壇 East-Asia Review |
201009 (469期)期所有篇 |
- 行銷知識管理能力、產品創新對顧客滿意度之影響--以知覺價值為中介變數 The Impact of Marketing Knowledge Management Capability, Product Innovation uponCustomer Satisfaction–Perceived Value as Mediating Variable
- 行銷與可攜式門號關係之研究 Marketing of MNP service
- 建構旅遊與觀光競爭力指數之權重系統 Building a Weighting System for Competitiveness Index of Travel & Tourism
- 中國與東亞共構下的中國特色社會主義市場經濟--以中國液晶電視內需市場為例 Socialist Market Economy with Chinese Characteristics under Coherence of China and East Asia:China's LCD-TV Domestic Market as An Example
- 以最小平方法和多準則決策方法探討台灣赴中國投資之決定因素 A Partial Least Squares and Multiple Criteria Decision-making Approach on the Determinants of Taiwan Outward FDI in China
- 臺灣金融保險業行銷策略之研究--以本土及外商人壽保險公司為例 A Study of Marketing Strategy in Taiwan's Finance and Insurance Industry:Taking Local and Foreign Life Insurance Company for Example
- 荷蘭帝國主義下的臺灣:戰略、政治秩序與歷史 Taiwan under Dutch Imperialism: Strategy,Political Order and History
- 桃園縣房地產開發區位決策之研究 The Regional strategies on real estate development As Taoyuan county for example