東亞論壇 East-Asia Review |
200609 (453期)期所有篇 |
- 中日歷史認知的衝突:以首相靖國神社參拜為例 Japanese Historical Understanding: The case of visits to Yasukuni Shrine by Japan Prime Ministers
- 規模經濟與縣級行政區劃:以安徽省為例的實證研究 Economy of Scale, Size of County and Administrative Efficiency: The Case of Anhui Province
- 日本與東協籌組FTA之研究 A Study of Japan--ASEAN FTA
- 日本企業的創新策略之發展動向 The Development of Innovation Strategy in Japanese Enterprises
- 胡錦濤統戰策略對臺灣人民統獨態度的影響 The Impact of Hu Jintao's United Front Work on the Attitude Taiwan People Hold toward Unification or Independence
- 從國際法先占要件看日韓竹(獨)島爭執 Examining the dispute between Japan and Korea over Take Island from the viewpoint of international law and national sovereignty
- 女性天皇をめぐる論議:日本の天皇制に関する考察 The Debates Concerning the Empress: A Study of the Emperor System in Japan
- 前瞻性的韓國人 The Forward-Looking Korean People
- 守禮之邦琉球的文化歷史與現況 History and Tourism of OKINAWA