中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201804 (51期)期所有篇 |
- 靈性及安身立命:從四大存有問題建構貫串靈性與生涯的本土化理論 Spirituality and Living with One’s Spirit: From Four Big Questions of Human Existence to Construct Indigenous Theories for Spirituality and Career
- 當靈性與心理諮商相遇-案主的經驗 When Spirituality Meets Counseling: The Clients’ Experiences
- 正念在臺灣學校的影響:系統性回顧及後設分析 The Impact of Mindfulness in School at Taiwan: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- 從懷疑到信任:中高齡宗教信仰者的靈性學習歷程 From Suspicion to Trust: the Middle-aged and Older Adult Religious Believers' Spiritual Learning Process
- 敘事諮商歷程與敘事結構特徵中生活目標改變之詮釋分析 Hermeneutics Analysis of Life Goals Change within Narrative Therapy Process and Narrative Structure Feature
- 大學生果報信念量表的建構與發展之研究 A Study on the Construction and Development of Karma Belief Scale for Undergraduate in Taiwan
- 初任國民中小學專任輔導教師職前培訓方案的參與經驗與需求評估之初探研究 The Perspectives of Novice School Counselors in Taiwan Elementary and Secondary Schools for Pre-service Training Programs