教育科學期刊 The Journal of Educational Science |
201612 (15:2期)期所有篇 |
- 幼兒園發展特色與競爭力相關之研究 The Study of Development Feature and Competitiveness in Preschool
- 戰勝困境:學業抗逆生與科學成績表現關係研究 Beating the Odds: A Study on the Relationship between Academic Resilient and Science Achievements
- 父母投入對國中生學習涉入之影響:期望—價值動機之中介效果分析 The Relation between Parental Involvement and Junior High School Students9 Learning Involvement: Analysis of Mediated Effect of Expectancy—Value Motivation
- 科技大學學生性別平等教育量表編制與初探 The Development for Scale of Gender Equality in Education: Used on Undergraduate Students in university of technology
- 青少年的父母管教、自我調節學習策略與學業拖延之研究 The Relations among Parenting Styles, Self-Regulation Learning Strategies and Academic Procrastination in Adolescence