山鄉政治與人群流動──十五至十八世紀滇西北的土官與灶戶 Ethnic Politics and Population Movements in a Mountain Border Region: Native Officials and Civilians in Northwest Yunnan between the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
與世相接──嚴智怡與天津博物院的誕生 Connecting to the World: Yen Zhiyi and the Birth of the Tianjin Museum
從無知到有感--程硯秋與中國共產黨 From Innocence to Knowing Better: Cheng Yanqiu and the Chinese Communist Party
1930-1960年金雞納與奎寧在臺生命史──時空特徵與意義轉化 From Valuable Medicine to Ordinary Wood: the Biography of Cinchona and Quinine in Taiwan, 1930-1960