國立政治大學歷史學報 The Journal of History |
202311 (60期)期所有篇 |
- 聖言東傳:楊生神父書信中的魯南傳教事業(1879-1897) Spreading the Divine Word to the East: Missionary Works in South Shandong as Seen through the Letters of Father Arnold Janssen, 1879-1897
- 二十世紀上半葉中國佛教的戒律復興──以弘一法師對在家戒律的闡釋與宣傳為中心 The Vinaya Revival in China during the First Half of the 20th Century: Dharma Master Hongyi’s Interpretation and Promotion of Precepts for Lay Buddhists
- 「四一五」清黨前廣州國民黨左派的反共轉向──以《現代青年》為中心的研究 The Anti-Communist Turn of the Kuomintang Left in Guangzhou before the“April 15 Party Purge”: A Study Focusing on Modern Youth Magazine
- 「英格蘭是一座島」:英格蘭島嶼性的成形與再現(中古至十六世紀) “England Is an Island”: The Configuration and Representation of English Islandness in Medieval and Early Modern England