正念靜心運用於通識教育之研究──以MBCT與MBSR融入課程為例 The Application of Mindfulness Meditation in General Education: Take the Integration of MBCT & MBSR as An Example
提升學生人文關懷與社會參與目標之人權議題導入歷史思維課程設計與實踐 Introducing Human Right Issues in Curriculum Design and Practice of''Historical Thinking''as Means of Enhancing Students' Humanistic Care and Social Participation
提升大學生思辨與表達能力之可能?──以運用「深度討論」於國語文課程實踐為核心 A Case Study of Using''Quality Talk''to Enhance College Students' Critical Thinking and Expression Abilities in Chinese Language Course
運用「敘事學習」教學模式促進大學生之社會關懷──以國語文能力表達課程導入視障關懷為例 Introducing Care for the Visual Impairments: A Case Study of Using Narrative Learning to Promote Social Care in a General Education Course
軍事院校地方本位教育(PBE)初探與實踐 The Exploration and Practice of Place-Based Education (PBE) in Military Academies