重新認識中國傳統地權——從龍登高、曹樹基與劉詩古有關傳統地權的三部著作談起 Reacquaint Traditional Chinese Land Rights--From the three works of Long Denggao, Cao Shuji, Liu Shigu on Traditional Land Rights
權利一詞不彰顯善和正何以可能 How is a QuanLi Without a Sense of Good and Just Possible?
生命權的衡量應否禁止?——從''連體嬰兒案''到''自動駕駛車難題'' Should the Balance between Lives be Prohibited?--From the Conjoined Twins to the Self-driving Trolley Dilemma
幫助信息網路犯罪活動罪的規範屬性之辨——以二重屬性說為解釋路徑 Help Information Network Criminal Activity Crime of Normative Attribute to Distinguish--Explain the Path with the Double Attribute Theory
商鋪租賃合同的履行障礙及其救濟——基於疫情下糾紛處理實踐的回顧與反思 Remedies for Non-performance of Commercial Lease Contracts--Some Reviews and Reflections based on the Jurisprudence under the Epidemic
對佔有性質及佔有保護目的理論的修正:從事實秩序到權利推定秩序 A Theoretical Amendment to the Theory of the Nature of Possession and the Purpose of Possession Protection--Centering on the Presumption of Possession
認繳制下公司法人格否認規則對資本顯著不足情形的適用 On the Application of the Rule of Disregarding the Corporate Entity to the Case of Significant Undercapitalization Under the Subscribed Registered Capital System
行業協會內部懲戒的公法限制 On Public Law Control of Trade Autonomy
突發公共衛生事件政府預警資訊發佈制度的完善——兼論我國《傳染病防治法》的修訂 Improvement of the Government’s Early-warning Information Release System for Public Health Emergencies--Also on China's Amendments to the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
搶劫信用卡並使用行為的定性新探——以信用卡的財產價值為視角 A New Probe into the Qualitative of the Behavior of Robbing Credit Card and Using It--From the Perspective of the Property Value of Credit Card
清代''男子拒奸殺人''例的撰定及法理邏輯 ''Nan zi ju jian sha ren '' Li: The Formulation and its Legislative Logic in Qing Dynasty