學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201506 (66期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北市國中學生家長網路管教策略及其相關因素之研究 Parental mediation of children’s Internet use among parents of junior high school students in Taipei City
- 新竹地區學校護理人員實務工作與幸福感之相關性研究 A study on the relationship between clinical practice and well-being among school nurses in Hsinchu Area
- 臺北市某私立中學學生睡眠品質與相關因素探討 Study on sleep quality and the related factors of junior and senior high school students in Taipei City
- 專科學生的老化知識以及對高齡者態度之研究--以苗栗地區某護專為例 Junior college students’ aging knowledge and attitude toward elderly person - a survey in one nursing junior college in Miaoli
- 陽光少年計畫--社區青少年藥物濫用預防模式 Shining youth project: a communitybased adolescent drug abuse prevention intervention model