地租、空間結構與社會最適:新經濟地理學之觀點 "Land Rent, Spatial Structure, and Social Optimum:The Perspective of New Economic Geography"
科技創新政策經濟效益評估的可計算一般均衡分析:以臺灣資通訊產業研發投資為例 Application of Computable General Equilibrium Analysis to STI Policy Evaluation: Illustrations of R&D Investment in Taiwan’s ICT Industry
學歷通膨:為何越來越多台灣的大學畢業生要念碩士班? Degree Infiation: Why Do More College Graduates Pursue a Master’s Degree in Taiwan?
企業社會責任具有績效保險的功能嗎? Does Corporate Social Responsibility Have the Function of Insurance on Performance?