競爭強度與產品創新:比較Cournot與Bertrand競爭下之創新意願與社會福利 Intensity of Competition and Adoption of Product Innovations: Comparing Incentives for Innovations and Welfare under Cournot and Bertrand Competition
評估臺灣地區大學商學院辦學績效--學生表現歸因拆解法之應用 Efficiency Evaluation of Business Colleges in Taiwan-An Application of Students' Performance Attributable to the Decomposition Method
Calvo價格僵固模型下長期物價上漲率的影響 Long-Run Effects of Inflation Under Calvo Staggered Price Contract
國際化、國內就業效果與外銷貢獻高估問題 Internationalization, Domestic Employment, and Overstatement of Export Contribution