现代法学 Modern Law Science |
202305 (2023:3期)期所有篇 |
- 知識產權禁令中雙方當事人權益保護 Protecting the Rights and Interests of Both Parities in the Injunction of Intellectual Property Protection
- 論單方虛假訴訟的民事程序規制 On the Regulation of Unilateral False Lawsuit in Civil Litigation
- 訴前羈押實證研究報告——基於兩個基層檢察院2017~2021年起訴書和不起訴決定書的統計分析 The Research Report on Pre-Indictment Detentions: A Statistical Analysis Based on Indictments and Non-Prosecution Decisions of Two Primary Procuratorates During 2017~2021
- 保留所有權出賣人取回權行使規則的沖突及其化解 Conflicts in the Rules on the Exercise of a Retention-of-title Seller’s Right to Retrieve and Their Resolution
- 生成式AI的融貫性法律治理——以生成式預訓練模型(GPT)為例 The Coherent Legal Governance of Generative AI: Taking the Generative Pre-Training Model (GPT) as an example
- 生成式人工智能的算法治理挑戰與治理型監管 Algorithmic governance Challenges and Governance Supervision in Generative Artificial Intelligence
- 對賭協議的效力及司法裁判路徑 On Legal Validity and Judgment Path of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism
- 資產管理人勤勉盡責義務的理論基礎與司法適用 The Theoretical Basis and Judicial Application of the Duty of Diligence of Asset Manager
- 刑法行為人主義的辨析及其價值 The Discernment of Criminal Law Actorism and Its Value
- 保護民營企業視角下職務侵佔罪的司法適用研究 The Research on the Judicial Application of the Crime of Official Embezzlement from the Perspective of Protecting Private Enterprises
- 論襲警罪之“暴力襲擊” On Violence of Assaulting a Police Officer