健康生活與成功老化學刊 Journal of Healthy Life and Successful Aging |
201509 (7:1期)期所有篇 |
- 國中學生肥胖問題策略探討:群體提案評估法之應用 Strategies for Management of Overweight and Obesity among Students in Junior High School: An application of Nominal Group Technique
- 以焦點團體法探討中年人對於健康飲食與代謝症候群之相關性的認知和處預方式 Using Focus Group to Explore Knowledge related Healthy Eating and Metabolic Syndromes among Middle-aged Adults
- 以問題導向學習(PBL)方式探討高中職學校供膳現況 The Application of Problem-based Learning (PBL) on The Provision of School Meals among Senior High School Students
- 蝦紅素神經保護與阿茲海默氏症 Astaxanthin Neuroprotection and Alzheimer's Disease