科技、醫療與社會 Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine
202404 (38期)期所有篇
臨終如何居家?常民照護實作與專門技能 Caring for the Dying at Home: Care Practices and Expertise of the Family Caregivers
試囡仔:注意力不足/過動孩童家長的另類醫療經驗 Putting Kids to Trials: The Experience of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Parents of Kids with Symptoms of Inattentiveness and/or Hyperactivity
追尋「夠用」的環境資料:戰後臺灣地下水治理的技術官僚與分層政治 Searching for‘Sufficient’Environmental Data: Post Taiwan’s Technocratic and the Politics of Stratigraphy of Groundwater Governance
許厝分校遷校爭議是一場「被製造的科學爭議」嗎? Was Controversy over the Relocation of Ciaotou Elementary School’s Syucuo Branch a“Manufactured Scientific Controversy”?
臺灣工作壓力問題的演變與政策發展:多元流模式分析 The Evolution of Jobs Stress Problems and the Development of Policy Responses in Taiwan: A Multiple -Stream Analysis