科技、醫療與社會 Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine |
202110 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 強化與社會嵌合的空污治理策略:以美國加州南岸空氣品質管制局的環境正義計畫為例 Socially Embedded Air Pollution Governance: A Case Study of the Environmental Justice Program of California’s South Coast AQMD
- 殖民時期女性「疾病」、「身體」與「健康」的符號運作策略與論述建構:以《臺灣日日新報》女性醫藥廣告為例 The Semiotic Strategies and Discursive Construction of Women’s “Disease,” “Body,” and “Health” in the Colonial Period: Taking Women’s Medicines Advertisements of Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo (Taiwan Daily News) as Examples
- 異議,別急著爭吵:科學語句的多元詮釋與協商空間 No Need to Quarrel over Differing Views: Spaces for Negotiation and Multiple Interpretations of Scientific Statements
- 電子耳與「聽」的展演:社會語言學的取徑 Cochlear Implants and Performing Hearingness: A Sociolinguistics Approach
- 彈韌賽伯格的生與死:評Oudshoorn, Nelly (2020). Resilient Cyborgs: Living and Dying with Pacemakers and Defibrillators. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. Living and Dying Resiliently with a Wired Heart: Review of Oudshoorn, Nelly (2020). Resilient Cyborgs: Living and Dying with Pacemakers and Defibrillators. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
- 現代中國血肉有情藥品的眾生相:評Chee, Liz P. Y. (2021). Mao’s Bestiary: Medicinal Animals and Modern China. Durham: Duke University Press Living-Beings of Flesh and Blood Sentient Medicines: Review of Chee, Liz P. Y. (2021). Mao’s Bestiary: Medicinal Animals and Modern China. Durham: Duke University Press.
- 本草與藥業的近世中國科學史:評Bian, He (2020). Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press A History of Chinese Science from Bencao and Pharmacy: Review of Bian, He(2020). Know Your Remedies: Pharmacy and Culture in Early Modern China. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
- 叩問宇宙不可感知之事物:評紀錄片Black Holes: The Edge of All We Know Reveal the Unperceivable: Documentary Review of Black Holes: The Edge of All We Know