東吳法律學報 Soochow Law Review |
201504 (26:4期)期所有篇 |
- 契約錯誤之比較法考察 A Comparative Study on the Law of Mistake in Contract
- 析論智慧財產刑事案件之秘密保持命令--以日本法權衡司法正義與營業秘密保護之觀點 Analysis on Issuance of Secret Protective Order in Criminal Cases of Intellectual Property Offenses –Viewpoints Based on Japanese Laws in Balancing Judicial Justice and Trade Secret Protection
- 預防性羈押的實然與應然 Oughtness and practice in preventive detention
- 不純正不作為犯的正犯標準 The criterion of the principal of derivative omission offences
- 論英美公司法制下董事責任限制與免除之規範對我國之啟示 A Study on Regulation of Limiting or Eliminating Directors’ Liabilities under the U.S. and British Corporate Law and Its Inspiration for Taiwan