身心障礙研究 Journal of Disability Research |
201403 (12:1期)期所有篇 |
- 韓國罕見疾病醫療照護政策初探 An Exploratory Review of Korean Healthcare Policies for Patients with Rare Diseases
- 感官、智能與精神障礙者婚姻狀況變化初探1905 vs. 2006 Changes in Marriage of the Sensorially, Intellectually and Mentally Disabled in Taiwan between 1905 and 2006
- 先天性全身脂肪失養症的早期療育介入之臨床實務經驗 A Clinical Experience of a Congenital Generalized Lipodystrophy Child after Early Intervention
- 友善職場:以職務再設計探究肢體障礙者工作權的實踐 Friendly Workplace : Explore the Practice of Work Right for Physical Disabilities by Job Redesign
- 非營利組織商業化到社會企業化:身心障礙者就業模式的轉化 NPO Commercialization into Social Enterprise : The Transformation of the Disabled Employment Patterns