文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
201910 (11:4期)期所有篇 |
- 型塑廉能治理:組織行為的觀點 Invited Essay―Shaping Clean Governance: An Organizational Behavior Perspective
- 個案教學是公共管理專業訓練的未來嗎?一個來自實驗研究的循證論述 Is Case Method the Future of Public Management Professional Training? Evidence-based Arguments from an Experimental Design
- 自法警實證研究反思國家考試與勤務運作的性平議題 Gender Equality Issues in Civil Service Examination and Bailiff Operation: Some Reflections from Empirical Studies
- 日本介護契約委託制度之現況與挑戰 The Current State and Challenges of the Long-term Care System in Japan
- 書評--外交政策中的公眾參與 Book Review―Public Participation in Foreign Policy