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個案教學是公共管理專業訓練的未來嗎?一個來自實驗研究的循證論述   全文下載 全文下載
Is Case Method the Future of Public Management Professional Training? Evidence-based Arguments from an Experimental Design
作者 陳敦源 (Don-Yun Chen)許弘毅 (Hung-Yi Hsu)史美強李翠萍 (Tsuey-ping Lee)陳序廷
Since 2000, the civil service training in Taiwan has entered into an era of case-based learning method. Leaders of training facilities have been trying to change their teaching method from traditional lecturing into case-based learning. The case-based learning has become the“pedagogical hope”of civil service training in Taiwan. However, based on the idea of“evidence-based public policy,”the key practical question should be“whether the case-based learning is more effective than the traditional lecturing?”In this paper, the authors utilize experimental design to evaluate a training course offered by the RCSD, C. P. A. in 2009. In this design, registered civil servants were randomly assigned to“treatment”or“control”groups. Different teaching methods were administrated in different groups. The result shows that there is no significant statistical difference of course evaluation between the two groups. Also, there is no statistical difference of“knowledge acquiring”in both methods. This paper suggests in terms of knowledge acquiring, the performance of the case method is not inferior to traditional teaching. Other issues were also discussed in this paper.
起訖頁 21-71
關鍵詞 文官培訓個案教學實驗設計循證基礎的政策公共管理civil service trainingcase methodexperimental designevidence-based public policypublic management
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201910 (11:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 型塑廉能治理:組織行為的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 自法警實證研究反思國家考試與勤務運作的性平議題




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