文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
201907 (11:3期)期所有篇 |
- 參與式教學與公務人員跨域協調能力建構使力點之反思 Invited Essay―A Reflection on the Force Point of Participatory Teaching and Public Employees’Collaborative Competency Building
- 行政院民國108年版揭弊者保護法草案評析 Reviewing the Whistleblower Protection Bill Proposed by the Executive Yuan in 2019
- 公務人力高齡化現象下之人力資源管理對策 Human Resource Management Strategies for an Aging Civil Service
- 政府與民間協力之分析:以臺北市親密關係暴力防治業務委外為例 An Analysis of Government-Citizen Collaboration in the Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
- 書評--當代公共政策研究途徑:理論、爭議和觀點 Book Review―Contemporary Approaches to Public Policy: Theories, Controversies and Perspectives