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政府與民間協力之分析:以臺北市親密關係暴力防治業務委外為例   全文下載 全文下載
An Analysis of Government-Citizen Collaboration in the Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
作者 洪美仁吳鴻恩
With the increasing demands from citizens and limited government capacity to satisfy the demands, collaborative governance has become a popular approach to provide public service. Contracting out is one of the commonly adopted approaches of collaboration. This paper uses a framework to evaluate social services contracting out to study Taipei city government’s outsourcing the work of preventing intimate partner violence. Interviews of government officials and non-governmental organizations in charge of providing the service were conducted. There are several major findings. First, government decided to contract out the services due to its limited capacity to fulfill the new requirements by law. Non-governmental organizations care about the resources provided by the government as well as the potential impacts of contracts on the transformation and independence of NGOs. They may consider to leave when they no longer share the same core belief with the government. Second, non-governmental organizations criticize government for excessive red tape and call for the adoption for multiple indicators to evaluate their performance. Third, non-governmental organizations make their voice heard by collaborating with other organizations or participating in decision-making at the central level. Last, contracting out in this case seemed to help enhance the quality of service. However, it may induce inequality between service recipients of different gender or in different administrative areas.
起訖頁 105-138
關鍵詞 公私協力契約委外臺灣親密關係暴力危險評估表社會服務public-private collaborationcontracting outTaiwan intimate partner violence danger assessment (TIPVDA)social services
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201907 (11:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 公務人力高齡化現象下之人力資源管理對策
該期刊-下一篇 書評--當代公共政策研究途徑:理論、爭議和觀點




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