文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
201510 (7:4期)期所有篇 |
- 從行政院研究發展考核委員會檢視我國績效體系的形成與發展 The Formation and Development of Performance Regime under the RDEC in Taiwan
- 英國委任分權政府制度對臺灣直轄市改革之啟發 The Evolution of Devolved Government in the UK: Some Implications for Reforming Taiwan’s Speical Municipality
- 地方政府跨部門協力網絡的運作分析--以臺北市與新北市雙城共飲翡翠水為例 An Analysis of the Operation of Cross-Sector Collaboration Networks among Local Governments: The Case of Taipei City and New Taipei City Sharing the Water of Feitsui Reservoir
- 書評--公共管理與政策上之跨域治理:國際經驗 Book Review—Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy: The International Experience