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地方政府跨部門協力網絡的運作分析--以臺北市與新北市雙城共飲翡翠水為例   全文下載 全文下載
An Analysis of the Operation of Cross-Sector Collaboration Networks among Local Governments: The Case of Taipei City and New Taipei City Sharing the Water of Feitsui Reservoir
作者 林煥笙喬憲新
In recent years, public issues have become increasingly complex. Central and local governments have had to focus on cross-sector collaboration, so much so that such collaboration approaches have become a mainstay of governance regimes. In the ongoing processes of economic, social and cultural globalization, the cross-sector collaboration and network perspective has played a major role in forging intergovernmental relations. In light of this, the concept of cross-sector collaboration and network perspective is used in this case study of“Taipei City and New Taipei City sharing the water of Feitsui Reservoir.”By intensively exploring cross-sector collaboration process of sharing Feitsui Reservoir water between the two cities, this paper attempts to interpret the link and interaction with critical stakeholders, and to find out the determinant factors and problems which affect the cross-sector collaborative network process of sharing Feitsui Reservoir water between the two cities.
For the two cities to share the water of Feitsui Reservoir, there is a very special context and a time-consuming processes that are worth exploring and analyzing. This research uses the methods of literature analysis, case study research and in-depth interviews to investigate the key factors in cross-sector collaboration that has actually affected the sharing of Feitsui Reservoir water between the two cities, including the starting conditions, cross-sector collaboration process and interaction and constraints on cross-sector collaboration.
The research finds that the key factors in cross-sector collaborative network in sharing water Feitsui Reservoir water between the two cities include: 1. the dynamics of political systems and power/resource imbalances; 2. the trust and reciprocity among participants; 3. external system context, and 4. the self-interests of participants. Finally, suggestions are provided from the perspectives of boundary spanner, norms of reciprocity and trust, change of management in organizations and accountability.
起訖頁 73-119
關鍵詞 跨部門協力網絡觀點跨部門協力網絡雙城共飲翡翠水cross-sector collaborationnetwork perspectivecross-sector collaboration networksharing city water
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201510 (7:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 英國委任分權政府制度對臺灣直轄市改革之啟發
該期刊-下一篇 書評--公共管理與政策上之跨域治理:國際經驗




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