文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
201310 (5:4期)期所有篇 |
- 實踐公務員倫理法制的範圍與方法:國際趨勢與臺灣現況 The Scope and Method of Implementing Civil Service Ethics: A Taiwanese Case Study with International Comparison
- 我國消防人員陞遷制度之研究 Taiwan’s Promotion System for Firefighters: The Case of Fire Bureau of Tainan City Government
- 幼托整合政策對國小附幼教保員管理之影響:新竹市的經驗與啟示 The Influences of Integrated Preschool Policy on the Management of the Education Protection Officer in the Nursery Affiliated with Elementary Schools: The Experience and Implication in Hsinchu City
- 我國地方政府創新治理研究初探 A Preliminary Study of Innovation Governance of Local Governments in Taiwan