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我國消防人員陞遷制度之研究   全文下載 全文下載
Taiwan’s Promotion System for Firefighters: The Case of Fire Bureau of Tainan City Government
作者 馬群傑 (Chun-chieh Ma)宋鎮照林寶玉
The“Promotion Appraisal Scoring Form”is one of the important game rules in the operation procedures. However, the personnel appointment and removal of the firefighting bureaus are controlled by the head of a city or county government. Therefore, several critical issues arise. Relevant scientific literatures cited in this study include the articles regarding promotion system as well as performance appraisal. Furthermore, the semi-structured interview of firefighters at the Fire Bureau of Tainan City Government is conducted to collect the opinions of their own basic conditions, working performance, external factors and promotion satisfaction. Collected data are summarized and analyzed.
The research findings are summarized and concluded as follows: (1) The promotion of the grass-root firefighters is actually confined by the Clauses of the Central Police University. (2) Anyone with both excellent working performance and interpersonal skills is more likely to be promoted. (3) The rules for the“Promotion Appraisal Scoring Form”should not be changed for the sake of any specific individual. (4) The organizational chief with promotion discretions shall deal with the personnel promotion in a fair and objective way. And 5.The scoring results to promote and fill the vacancy of a team chief shall be publicized; the current practice of publicizing name lists only is inappropriate. Based on aforesaid research findings, some suggestions have been put forth.
起訖頁 49-86
關鍵詞 消防人員陞遷制度績效評估臺南市政府消防局firefighterspromotion systemperformance appraisalfire bureau of Tainan city government
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201310 (5:4期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 實踐公務員倫理法制的範圍與方法:國際趨勢與臺灣現況
該期刊-下一篇 幼托整合政策對國小附幼教保員管理之影響:新竹市的經驗與啟示




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