文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
201307 (5:3期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北市政府人事人員情緒勞務初探 A Study of Emotional Labor of HR Staff in Taipei City Government
- 基層公務員的情緒壓力與工作滿足感關係之研究--以交通部公路總局新竹區監理所人員為例 A Study of the Casual Relationships of Emotional Press and Job Satisfaction - The Employees in Hsinchu Motor Vehicle Office, Directorate General of High Ways, Ministry of Transportation and Communications as the Example
- 政府部門機關委外的迷思與挑戰 The Myths and Challenges of Government Agency outsourcing
- 杜絕不當的政商利益輸送--重構公務員旋轉門條款 Fending Off Interest Peddling by Reestablishing the Revolving Door Clause