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臺北市政府人事人員情緒勞務初探   全文下載 全文下載
A Study of Emotional Labor of HR Staff in Taipei City Government
作者 黃一峯吳斯茜陳衍宏
Required to offer customer-oriented services, organizational employees need to employ proper emotional labor -- which refers to efforts at managing emotions including facial expression, body language, and voices -- to satisfy clients. Research literature indicates that burnout will be caused when employees are required to restrain emotions too much.
It’s a common rule in democratic society that government employees are public servants who are supposed to provide kind, fast and convenient services to citizens. In Taiwan, HR staff are required to act as‘servants to the civil servants’by providing HR services to government employees, i.e. internal customers. A survey questionnaire was distributed to the HR staff in Taipei City Government in 2012 to explore their perceptions about emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction. After factor analysis, emotional labor can be categorized into three factors -- primary emotion, surface-acting, and deep-acting. The statistics indicate that there are significant differences among education, age, and position of subjects. The regression analysis indicates that the more an HR staff member gets at surface-acting and expressing primary emotion, the higher his or her job satisfaction will be. The more his primary emotion gets expressed, the less will be his chances of burnout. And the more one gets at deep-acting and surface-acting, the more will be one’s chances of burnout.
This paper, as a pilot study, explores some meaningful results which can encourage further research based on a larger sample size.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 情緒勞務人事人員顧客導向emotional laborgovernment HR staffcustomer orientation
刊名 文官制度  
期數 201307 (5:3期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-下一篇 基層公務員的情緒壓力與工作滿足感關係之研究--以交通部公路總局新竹區監理所人員為例




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