《開寶藏》成都雕造考 From Manuscript to Print: The Carving of the Kaibao Canon in Tenth Century Chengdu
半生幸入三峰社──從晦山戒顯看清初遺民僧的日常生活 The Daily life of a Loyalist Chan Monk in the Early Qing: Huishan Jiexian of the Sanfeng Lineage
晚清華僧移民大馬的宗派研究──以漳州南山寺「喝雲派」為中心 The Heyunpai Lineage from Nanshan Temple in Zhangzhou: A Study of Chinese Buddhist Lineages in Malaysia during Late Qing Dynasty
再製與變異──越南漢傳佛教典籍的轉化 Reproduction and Alteration: The Transformation of Chinese Buddhist Texts in Vietnam