團體在糖尿病的應用 The application of group in Diabetes Mellitus
動力式團體衛教師的培訓:以糖尿病共享門診為例 Training Program for the Therapists of Dynamic-Psychoeducation-Group
糖尿病困擾的影響與應用:一個糖尿病心理社會指標的介紹 The influences and applications of diabetes distress: An introduction of psychosocial index in diabetes
以全人照護角度探索結合各類團體方案之途徑——以治療年數兩年內的肌無力病人為對象 From the holistic-health-care point of view: Exploring the path of integrating group psychotherapy with different goals for the patients in newly diagnosed myasthenia gravis
胰島素治療的第二型糖尿病患者血糖控制不佳之阻礙因素:焦點團體訪談的探索性研究 Barriers of poorly controlled patients with type 2 diabetes using insulin therapy: An exploratory research on focused group interview