中華團體心理治療 Chinese Group Psychotherapy |
201806 (24:2期)期所有篇 |
- 正念治療專刊:從正念到實踐——本土化歷程到全面運用 Toward the integration and application of mindfulness based psychotherapy in Taiwan
- 正念為基礎介入方案於改善慢性思覺失調症患者負性症狀之初探 The pilot study of mindfulness-based intervention for improving negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia
- 強迫症的正念治療 Mindfulness base cognitive therapy applied to obsessive compulsive disorder
- 身體感知:正念團體的反思 Embodiment: reflecting on the mindfulness group
- 憂鬱症的正念認知治療:背景,實務與師資培訓 Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Background, Pragmatic Aspects and Training for Teachers
- 正念認知療法在癌症患者的應用 Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Group for Cancer Survivors