200106 (46:2期)期所有篇 |
- 晚花澤蘭之不孕花粉外壁的不完全發育 Incomplete Exine Development in Aborted Pollen of Eupatorium serotinum Michx. (Compositae: Eupatorieae)
- 利用同功酶和逢機放大多型性DNA評估台灣產山黑扁豆屬之一雜交種 Evaluation of a Natural Hybrid of Dumasia DC. (Fabaceae) from Taiwan Based on the Isozymes and RAPD Studies
- 紅楠異儲型種子微細構造的研究 Ultrastructural Study on the Recalcitrant Seeds of Machilus thunbergii Sieb. & Zucc
- 部分崩解之匈牙利褐炭的微細構造 Ultrastructure of Partially Degraded Hungarian Lignites
- 土壤多樣性與一些印度水韮植物的生長 Edaphic Diversity and Growth of Some Indian Isoetes L. Species
- Cassia L.種皮之解剖變異對其分類的意義 Anatomical Variability in Seed Coat of Some Cassia L. (Caesalpinioideae) Species with Taxonomic Significance
- 台灣鴛鴦湖自然保留區花粉誌(II) Pollen Flora of Yuenyang Lake Nature Preserve, Taiwan (II)