花東以外有花東-論由系聯的方法拓張研治花東甲骨的材料 The research of methods in studying about the oracle bones inscriptions on the East of the Huayuan village
楚竹書文字考釋五則 Collected Notes on the Chu Characters(5 items)
論兩岸文字標準化之「字體」與「筆順」評析——由古文字觀點來探討 Typeface and stroke order narration the two sides across the Taiwan Strait writing standardization ——Discusses by the ancient writing viewpoint
政治託喻與禽鳥詩─以元和詩人之貶謫創作為探究中心 Political metaphor and birds in the poetry―an analysis of creation of the banished poets of Yuan-He
基隆漢詩的在地言說:《詩報》及其相關書寫 The local stories of Keelung Han Poetry goes, ''Shi Bao and it's relative writings
走在一條建造家屋之路──論七等生《重回沙河》中的時間光影與生命家屋 A Walk on A Path to Build a Residence - A Study and Exploration into Light and Shadow of Time and House of Life in “A Return to the Sand River” by Qi Deng Sheng
臺灣地區近三十年(自1980年起)六朝志怪小說研究策略之省思 An Evaluation of the Research Strategies on Six Dynasties Supernatural Fiction in Taiwan Since 1980