東亞觀念史集刊 Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia
201806 (14期)期所有篇
反主義的思想言論--後五四政治思維的分裂 Anti-Doctrinism Discourse: The Split in the Political Thoughts in Post-May Forth China
「語言的權力、權力的語言」專題引言 "Introduction to “Power of Language, Language of Power”"
觀念、語言、權力:中國近代平等概念譬喻的政治再現 "Ideas, Language and Power: Conceptual Metaphor of Equality in Modern China"
1950年代新疆突厥語族文字改革方案興廢背後的語言政治史 Language Politics: The Evolution of the PRC’s Turkic Script Reform Policy in Xinjiang in the 1950s
西方之外有「哲學」嗎?--「中國哲學之合法性」辯論與學科知識的全球拓展 Is There “Philosophy” outside the West?: The “Legitimacy of Chinese Philosophy” Debate and the Global Extension of Disciplinary Knowledge
從觀念的軌跡探究知識分子角色於國家領域內外之游移:以臺灣外省籍知識分子為例 Trajectories of Ideas and the Role of Intellectuals within and outside the State: Mainland Intellectuals in Taiwan
臺灣「反共文學」創作範式的形構、邊界想像與作家經驗 "The Aesthetic Form, Boundary Imagination and Writers Experience of Taiwan Anti-Communism Literature"
〈大學〉「絜矩之道」重探:以荀子、戴震的情理論述為中心 A Reanalysis of “The Great Learning”’s Way of Empathy in Moderation: A Discussion Centered around Xunzi and Dai Zhen’s Discourse on Reason
朱熹與荻生徂徠之思想比較--以「天心」為線索 Comparative Studies between Zhu Xi and Ogyu Sorai: Taking “Heart of Heaven” as a Clue
民族國家的想像與測繪:孫中山的「鐵路夢」 Remapping an Imagined Community: On Sun Yat-sen’s Railway Thoughts and Plans