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Anti-Doctrinism Discourse: The Split in the Political Thoughts in Post-May Forth China
作者 王汎森
"本文揭示1920年代以降,後五四政治思維的分裂,無論是對「主義」的贊成與反對,隱然涉及了兩種真理觀、救國觀以及社會秩序觀的對立。有些論者認為「主義」代表一種真理,可以拿來救國以及解決社會所有一切問題。相對的,「反主義」論者雖然意見較為個別零星,也並非像「主義」倡議者有著堅定的政治信仰及組織動員力量,然而「反主義」論者承接五四以降懷疑的精神,批判「辯證唯物主義」以及「三民主義」等,反對將抽象的「主義」視為解決所有問題的萬靈丹。歸納起來,主義的批判者往往具有下列一種或幾種元素:一、實驗主義,如胡適等;二、實證主義(positivism),如傅斯年等;三、受到英美自由主義或憲政思想影響的人,他們未必對西方自由主義理論本身作過深入的研究,或只是在西方或是日本生活過,如朱光潛、林語堂、張東蓀、吳景超等;四、受中國傳統影響,不能同意「主義式政治」的運作,如梁漱溟、章士釗等。 一些受五四思想文化影響,對「主義」持保留或反對態度者,他們認為在倡導主義之前,有比主義更為優先或需關注的對象,包括主義談論者的身分資格認定;主張道德、教育、文學優先論;強調「問題」優先於主義,以及認為良心、懷疑、覺悟都優先於主義等等。可以說,「反主義」論者認為個人的自覺不應該被納入到集體政治生活當中,如此才能避免主義式的教條思維及屈從黨意的政治信仰,決定了人的生活方式。此外,民國以來對於主義政治的歌頌,所形成「政治空洞化」的結果,也尤其值得深入思考與反省。"
"This article explores the “split” in the political thoughts after the May Fourth movement since 1920. The advocates and opponents of Zhuyi 主義 (doctrinism) implied different worldviews and two opposite stands on how to save the nation and restore the social order. While some scholars considered doctrine as a manifestation of truth and the resolution to all national and social crises, the anti-doctrinists, unlike their rivals who held onto political beliefs and had more effective mobilization ability, tended to voice their opinions individually and sporadically. They inherited the skepticism of May Fourth Movement and criticized both “dialectical materialism” and “Three Principles of the People” as they disapproved of taking “doctrine” as the panacea for all problems. Moreover, the critics of doctrinism usually belonged to at least one of the following categories: 1. experimentalist, such as Hu Shi; 2. positivist, such as Fu Sinian; 3. People who were influenced by Anglo-Saxon Liberalism or constitutional thought such as Chu Kuang-Chien, Lin Yutang, Zhang Dongsun, Wu Chingchao, etc. Although they did not necessary have a thorough study on the theory of liberalism, they usually have years of experience living in Western or Japanese societies; 4. people who opposed to politics dominated by doctrines, such as Liang Shuming and Zhang Shizhao. Those influenced by the thoughts of May Fourth demonstrated a more conservative or even opposing attitude toward doctrinism as they argued that, before following and promoting any doctrines, there were other issues of higher priority, for instance, the identity of the advocates of doctrines. In addition, morality, education and literature, as well as individual’s conscience, doubts and awareness were also regarded as more essential than doctrines. In other words, the anti-doctrinists believed that personal awareness should not be assimilated into collective political life in order to avoid the danger of personal life being dominated and governed by the principles, doctrines and beliefs of political party. It also indicates that the “political hollowing out” was a result of the acclamation to doctrinized politics ever since the establishment of Republican China and is worth further consideration."
起訖頁 3-32
關鍵詞 主義反主義三民主義共和國非政治的生活政治空洞化zhuyi/doctrinismanti-doctrinismRepublic of Three Principles of the Peoplenon-political lifepolitical hollowing out
刊名 東亞觀念史集刊  
期數 201806 (14期)
出版單位 東亞觀念史集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 「語言的權力、權力的語言」專題引言




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