吳德功《讓臺記》敘事時間研究 A Study on the Narrative Time of Te-kung Wu' 'Record of Yielding Taiwan'
論杜國清在《現代文學》、《笠》的譯/介活動──與戰前世代詩人陳千武的交涉與交錯 On Tu Kuo-ching's Translation and Introduction Activities in 'Modern Literature' and Poetry Magazine 'Li': The Interaction and Difference with the Pre-war Generation Poet Chen Chien-Wu
1950、60年代台灣在野菁英對地方選舉弊端的批評與因應 The Criticism and Response of the Taiwanese Elite in Opposition to the Malpractices in Local Elections in 1950s to 1960s
從《台灣日日新報》探究日治戲曲從業人員之生涯 Exploring the career of drama performers in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation from the Taiwan Daily News
論經典的形構:涵義、標準與文化戰爭 "On Canon-Formation: Connotation, Standard, and Cultural War"