觀光旅遊研究學刊 Journal of Tourism and Travel Research |
201912 (14:2期)期所有篇 |
- 用餐環境重要嗎?探討環境氣氛與顧客滿意度及忠誠度之關聯性:兼論顧客人格特質之調節效果 Does Restaurant Atmosphere Matter? Investigating the Relationship Among Restaurant Atmosphere, Customer Satisfaction, Customer loyalty: The Moderating Role of Customers' Big Five Personality Traits
- 學校推動海外實習活動對學生學校忠誠度知覺之影響 The Impact of Promoting Overseas Internship on Students' Perceived Loyalty to the College
- 百貨公司專櫃人員工作壓力、情緒勞務與工作倦怠之探討 The Study of Job Stress, Emotional Labor, and Job Burnout for Department Store Staff
- 環境教育場域解說志工之氣候變遷因應素養研究 The Response Literacy to Climate Change of Interpretation Volunteers in Environmental Education Fields