山西翼城霸伯尚盂銘文禮說 A Study about Ceremony of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu unearthed in a Western-Zhou cemetery on Shanxi Yicheng
與「㚔」相關構造字研究 Research on words of related composition of“Nie(㚔)”
論《莊子》與陶淵明「自然」思想的異同 Comparison between Zhuangzi and“Ziren”Thought of Tao Yuan-Ming
GPS在跨國漢學研究上的應用與必要性 The Application and Necessity of GPS on the Cross-National Sinological Studies
在鏡像自我與符號他者之間:侯孝賢電影的精神分析學觀察 Between the Imaginary Ego and the Symbolic Other: A Psychoanalytic Study of Hou Hsiao-hsien's Films
部落歌謠傳唱及歌謠意義的再生產:以松鶴部落為研究場域. Singing of Tribal Chants and Re-production of Chant Meanings: Songhe Tribe as the Research Setting
關於達悟現代文學的疾病書寫:以拓拔斯‧塔瑪匹瑪《蘭嶼行醫記》為探討對象 Writing on Illness in Modern Literature of the Tao Tribe: Tuobasi Tamapima's Essays on Medical Practice in Lanyu
後殖民的譯者現身介入:楊南郡的文化翻譯、歷史闡釋及對位敘事 A Postcolonial Translator's Intervention: Yang Nan-Chun's Cultural Translation, History Interpretation, and Contralpuntal Narratives