中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
202012 (36期)期所有篇 |
- 建構婦女道德空間:《列女傳》圖像在東亞漢文化圈的傳衍 Constructing Women's Moral Space:The Transmission and Transformation of the Exemplary Women Images in the Sinosphere
- 朝鮮女訓書的歷史發展與視覺教化意涵 The historical development of Confucian Women's classics(女訓書) in the Joseon Dynasty and the meaning of visual correction
- 來自「東方」的聲音圖景:江文也作品的異國情調與民族追尋 An Exotic Rhythm from the East: The Oriental Imagery and the Quest of Ethnic Identity in Jiang, Wen-Ye's Compositions
- 「翦」字新詮:兼說卜辭「鬳小臣、小妾」 A New Interpretation of the Character "Jian" in Oracle Bone Inscriptions
- 廣東省大埔縣高陂鎮與湖寮鎮客家話小稱詞調查研究 A Survey of the Diminutives in the Hakka Dialects Spoken in Gaopi and Huliao Townships in Dapu County, Guangdong
- 當代新儒家對陸象山學說的比較研究 A Study on Contemporary Neo-Confucianists’ Research Toward Lu Xiang-shan’s Doctrines
- 楊德昌的殉道英雄與歷史反思:重看《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》 Edward Yang’s Tragic Heroes and Historical Reflections: Revisiting A Brighter Summer Day